School Days

1945 - 1961

Created by Christopher 4 years ago

Jerry attended Intack Primary School followed by Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Blackburn.

For such an intelligent and learned man Jerry loved to recite the less than glowing school report where it was explained that although he might have done some school work that year, his teacher(s) had yet to be presented with any evidence of it.  Another one of his proudest memories was being expelled after he and his friends advertised for a new Headmaster in the Times Educational Supplement.  Many years later Jerry enjoyed attending Old Blackburnians events and was still able to recite the school song.

After A-Levels Jerry attended Liverpool College of Building (or the College of Bricks as he insisted on calling it) and qualified as a Quantity Surveyor.  Many years later when Christopher (the middle one) continued the family tradition of studying in Liverpool, Jerry took him on a tour of his old haunts and regaled him with stories of his most glorious drinking exploits.