Later Life

2006 - 2020

Created by Christopher 4 years ago

Life as a widower was tempered for Jerry by the arrival of Nancy, his first grandchild in July 2006 and his second granddaughter, Martha, in January 2009. Grandpa had a special talent for getting the girls to fall asleep and could always be guaranteed to join them in a snooze.

Jerry met Helene in 2007 and they gave comfort, support and companionship to each other for many years

Jerry was diagnosed with an incurable lung disease in 2013 but he confounded all predictions by leading a very active life until the beginning of 2018

Andrew (the youngest) moved back home in 2006 and they lived a bachelor life together until Dad's condition took a turn for the worst.  After which Andrew selflessly became Dad's primary carer supplying triple cooked chips and apple crumble and custard on demand.